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Intimate Image Abuse

Sharing, or threatening to share, intimate images without consent is a crime.

Get support

Abused Men In Scotland (AMIS)

National helpline to support abused men.

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Free, confidential support online and over the phone for children and young people under 18.

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A service that lets you pass on information about a crime 100% anonymously.

Rape Crisis Scotland

Support for anyone affected by sexual violence.

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Revenge Porn Helpline

Free, confidential help and support for adult victims of intimate image abuse living in the UK.

Scottish womens rights
Scottish Women's Rights Centre

Free and confidential legal information affected by gender based violence such as domestic abuse.

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Scottish Women’s Aid

Find your local Women’s Aid contact.

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Victim Support Scotland

Victim Support Scotland provides information, practical help, emotional support and guidance through the criminal justice system. They run a webchat service on their website which from 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday and 9am –to 1pm on Saturday.

Additional Support