Commercial Sexual Exploitation
Commercial Sexual Exploitation can include, but is not limited to: prostitution, lap dancing, stripping, pornography, human trafficking and sex for rent. No one should ever be forced into sexual activity without consent.
Get support

999 BSL
999 BSL is a service that connects you to British Sign Language Interpreters remotely through an app or a web-based platform, who then will relay the conversation with the call handler and emergency authorities.

Aberdeen Cyrenians (WEAREAC)
Aberdeen Cyrenians (WEAREAC) offer support for women experiencing gender based abuse including physical, emotional, financial or sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, human trafficking and coercive control, and support for women, men and families (or people) experiencing domestic abuse. Phone lines open Mon – Fri: 9am – 4pm

Action Against Stalking
Action Against Stalking offers a unique Throughcare Stalking Support Service to those affected by stalking and offers emotional and practical support from experienced professionals.

Beyond the Streets
A UK charity that provides free and confidential support for women with experience of sexual exploitation.

Deaf Links
Deaf Links support includes support for deaf women who have experienced any form of gender-based violence.

End GBV provides details of where to get help at college or university.

G3 Priority Clinic – NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
A confidential and discreet sexual health service- available to any adult selling sex.

Routes Out (Glasgow)
Routes Out offers support to women who sell sex, offering advice, information and support. Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm

Sacro - Another Way (Edinburgh)
Sacro provides support for people experiencing abuse, violence or intimidation based on their gender.

Free, confidential listening service for any issue, with no pressure or judgement for adults over 18.

The NHS Scotland sexual assault self-referral phone service can help to arrange care for you in the days following a rape or sexual assault.

SAY Women
SAY Women offers safe semi-supported accommodation and emotional support for young women aged 16 to 25 who are survivors of sexual abuse, rape or sexual assault and who are homeless, or threatened with homelessness.

TARA – Trafficking Awareness Raising Alliance
TARA support women, aged 18 years and over, who have been trafficked for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation.

The Encompass Network
Encompass is a Scottish network of agencies working with people at risk of becoming involved in, who are currently involved in, or who have exited selling or exchanging sexual activity / commercial sexual exploitation (CSE).

The Women’s Support Project
The Women’s Support Project works to raise awareness of the extent, causes and effect of male violence against women, and for improved services for those affected by violence.

Vice Versa (Dundee)
Vice Versa promotes the health, rights and dignity of women, who are involved in selling / exchanging sex. Mon – Fri: 10am – 3pm

Victim Support Scotland - Emergency Assistance Fund
The Emergency Assistance Fund (EAF) is open to people affected by crime across Scotland who are in urgent need of financial help as a result of what they have experienced. Those with experience of Commercial Sexual Exploitation can also apply for support. Mon – Fri: 8am to 8pm

WISHES – NHS Lothian
A confidential and discreet sexual health service – open to women involved in selling or exchanging sex.
Additional Support
National Services and Guidance
There is a wide range of services available to you should you require advice on areas such as: housing, debt, mental health, parenting, drug and alcohol support, legal issues or migration.
Support for Practitioners
Information and guidance to support service providers and individuals working with those with experience of Commercial Sexual Exploitation.